Project information
- Category: Graduation Project
- Client: Universidad de Costa Rica
- Project date: February, 2022
- Project Documentation (Spanish): Download
Electrohydrodinamic Thruster Simulation - Graduation
My biggest personal project to date is this one, simulation of an Electrohydrodinamic (EHD) Thruster design, made posible thanks to th guidance of professor PhD. Victor Hugo Granados at UCR. This project asked the question of "what happens when you change the geometry of the electrodes in a electrohidrodynamic thruster?". The project centered around the design and performance of an EHD with two diferent cathode geometries, compared with previous work made by Dr. Victor Hugo Granados. The performance was not as expected, but, the different cathode designs shed light on how turbulent flow can be prevented in EHDs. A lot of work can be done to optimize and further research can be done. You can read more about this project in the full project document in the link above, the document is currently in spanish.